Oh man...before I started really caring about food and what I was eating, I L.O.V.E.D Taco Bell! I would even sometimes eat it twice a day during my highschool years. I really liked the tostadas - not what most people were probably picking off that menu I would imagine, but I loved them. I would also eat their double decker tacos. Do you remember those? Basically a crunchy taco, with a layer of refried beans and all covered with a flour tortilla. So what to do when I stopped eating there? Well of course, just make my own double deckers. I have made the exact same version with the refried bean layer in between the shells many, many times, but this week I decided to do a healthier lighter version.
I love mexican inspired flavors, and I don’t mean the cheesy mexican that most love. I love the fresh avocado, cilantro, lime juice. I am always trying to find new ways to eat this flavor combo, but before we get to today’s meal with these flavors, I have a confession to make. I am super weird about cheese. I will eat a slice of cheese by itself or on a cracker, but don’t like cheese slices on sandwiches...although I will eat it a grilled cheese?? I also don’t like shredded cheese...not on my salads, mexican, baked potato… I know, so weird. I will do other cheeses on a salad - crumbled varieties, but no shredded. With all that said, I didn’t use any shredded cheese on these tacos, but feel free.
Okay, in full disclosure this week, while I don’t eat Taco Bell anymore, I can’t seem to get give up the sauce. I have no clue what it is, its nothing special, but I do really like it. I have friends at work that bring me sauce packets because they know I don’t go anymore. Good news is they also sell bottles at Walmart, so I don’t have to solely rely on my co-workers.
Okay, lets get started on these easy tacos!
Double Decker Taco
Crunchy taco shells (I used blue corn)
Suggested toppings:
Lettuce, chopped romaine
Tomato, chopped (I used cherry tomatoes, just because thats what I had)
Cilantro, chopped
Shredded cheese
Sour cream
Favorite sauce or salsa
Lay out the soft tortilla. If using a larger burrito tortilla size, you will need to use a paring knife to cut the soft tortilla to fit the outside of the crunchy shell. If you are using the taco size soft shell, you probably won’t need to do this. To cut to size, lay the crunchy shell on the soft tortilla and drag your knife around the edges. Then fold the crunchy and soft shell over and fully cut out the soft shell.
Better Bonus Tip: If you have tortilla scraps, don’t toss them - make homemade chips (see below)
After they are sized, warm them up a bit and set aside. I just popped mine in the microwave for 20 seconds.
Mash your avocado and add fresh lime juice. I do a 1:1 ratio.
Smear the avocado mixture onto the soft tortilla and then wrap the soft tortilla around the crunchy shell.
Fill your tacos. I didn’t share measurements this week because it is really up to you how much or little of the ingredients you want to add.
Better Bonus Tip: Feel free to make this vegetarian and use black beans in place of the meat on the inside of the taco. Also, if you don’t like avocado, you could do a mashed bean layer in between the shells.
Thats it!

Now, onto those homemade tortilla chips I promised.
Homemade Tortilla Chips
Cut into any shape, drizzle with oil and bake at 350 degrees for 5-7 minutes. Flip and continue baking for another 3-5 minutes. Sprinkle with salt after removing from the oven and let cool.
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