Friday, June 13, 2014

For Now...Hopefully

Today’s post is written with mixed emotions. Just under three years ago I wrote my first post on this blog. With the exception of taking two months off after our family grew, I have fulfilled my original goal of posting weekly. This blog has pushed me to continue to learn and experiment and I hope you have learned a lot and pushed yourself to make better choices and be successful in the kitchen.

This blog started out as a cooking blog, then developed into a more heavily focused real food cooking blog and has since transpired into more of an overall health and wellness blog, not just focused on food.

I have spent lots of time thinking and talking with my husband, as my list of goals and desires is quite lengthy. I am not quite sure this blog is the best venue anymore to help me fulfill these goals. In addition to wanting to broaden my horizons, there are some technology challenges and barriers that have me frustrated, one of them being my blog Facebook page. I have never pursued anything financial with this blog. I truly wanted to do this to help others. Sadly, a lot of people follow me via Facebook and because I refuse to pay to promote my page, a lot of people have stopped receiving my updates. If I am going to spend the time and energy away from my family, I really can’t handle that people aren’t getting the information.  

So, with all that said, I have decided that today will be my farewell post on Cooking For A Better Tomorrow. It is with uncertainty if this will be temporary or permeant. As I mentioned, I have a lot I want to do and continue to share, and you will be the first to know what my future plans will be.

I sincerely want to say THANK YOU for continuing to follow and support me on this journey. I was extremely nervous and fearful when I first started this blog and you all have pushed me to be better, just as I hope I have pushed you. Remember, for future reference, all of the posts to date are cataloged and saved on one of the pages at the top - Recipe Index, Self Education or Tips and Techniques.

And remember making changes is a JOURNEY and here is one of my favorite quotes:
"the bottom line is that while none of us can do everything, all of us can do something."
-Robyn O’Brien

For now, until next time….


Friday, June 6, 2014

Coffee Lovers? Simple Homemade Creamers

I have been making my own coffee creamer for a couple of years now. I first introduced you to the borrowed basic framework last year, with my rendition of coconut cream creamer which was my favorite store bought one.  The basis of the creamer is cream, milk (I use whole) and a sweetener, either honey or maple syrup.  I then just add different extracts or other various flavorings. Coconut is a pretty unique flavor and a lot of people probably wouldn’t pick that as a favorite, so today I am sharing some of my new favorite combos plus a couple of kitchen additions.

Basis for Homemade Creamer
Makes 2 cups

Whole milk, 1 cup
Cream, 1 cup
Sweetener, 4 T

Combo #1 (my new favorite):
Honey as sweetener
Cinnamon, 1 tsp

Combo #2:
Honey as sweetener
Vanilla extract, 1.5 tsp
Almond extract, 1.5 tsp

Combo #3:
Maple syrup as sweetener
Cacao (or other unsweetened cocoa powder), 2 T
Almond extract, 1.5 tsp
Coconut extract, 1 tsp

Just this week I got raspberry extract and can’t wait to use it plain and with almond, vanilla and chocolate, for lots of different varieties!
Play around with this and create your own flavor combos! Let me know what your favorites are. Everyone's tastes and favorite flavors are unique. Keep in mind this is not going to be as sweet as store bought creamer, but I bet your body will adjust pretty quickly. Don't get me started on how our bodies are addicted to sugar - some say it's a worse addiction than drugs....

Anyway, to make the creamer, all you do is whisk together milk, cream, sweetener and any powdered flavorings, such as cinnamon or chocolate in a saucepan over medium heat.

When mixture begins to steam, remove from the heat and stir in the extract(s). Use a funnel to pour mixture into a glass jar and let cool. If you are adding any powdered flavorings, you will likely want to strain.

That leads me to my first new kitchen addition:

Using a sieve, which is basically a wire strainer, along with a funnel is perfectly acceptable and what I used for a long time. I recently purchased a stainless steel funnel with a removable strainer - as I am slowly trying to remove plastic from our home.  With either method, you aren’t going to completely remove the powdered ingredient from the creamer, but I do more than one strain to get as much as I can. A little cinnamon or chocolate in your coffee never hurt anyone right?!  Just remember to shake up your jar before adding the creamer to your coffee.

Lastly, I purchased this IKEA milk frother. I simply froth up my creamer before adding to my coffee to make it more fun at home! Its not perfect (and isn't steamed / hot) and of course you could buy much more expensive barista machines for home, but this is just a small cheap addition to my kitchen that allows me to still feel like I am out, but control the ingredients and money.

If you love coffee like me, I hope this is one simple thing you feel you can start making at home. Check out my original post on why that might be something you want to consider.
