Another year. We were granted another year. I can’t wait to see what this new year brings. Last year’s new years post, I talked about my history with organics and encouraged you to consider demanding higher quality food. Did you make any changes? How did it go? Do you have a resolution you are working towards this year? Are you considering making changes to the way you eat?
Summary of my journey with organics and higher quality food.
It started a few years ago. I began eating some organics, mostly produce. Then found myself wanting to eat other organic foods: meat, dairy, grains, etc. I made a change in how and where I bought my food. My goal was to eat organically as often as possible. I knew I would never be 100%, because I enjoy socializing and eating out. I also never wanted my friends and family to feel bad about not cooking organic food when I was over. I was doing what I could.
Bad rap for organics in 2012?
There was hype a few months back when a Stanford Study was released and many headlines read something to the affect of "organic food is not more nutritious or healthy for you." Most people who eat organic food do not do it because they feel it is more nutritious.They are trying to avoid unwanted crap in their food. Just because something is organic, doesn’t always mean it is good for you. There are plenty of organic processed package foods. However, if you choose to eat processed packaged food, the organic varieties will still be better than conventional due to restrictions on ingredients.
Where am I now?
The more I learn, the more changes I want to make to the way I eat. I have transitioned now to what has been termed by some, a flexitarian. I eat meat, but try to not eat it every single meal. I also am focusing more on whole unprocessed foods. Some have coined this idea as RAW or REAL FOOD or CLEAN EATING. At the end of the day, it is the same principle that has always been around: eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, less saturated fat, less sugar, less processed food and so on.
All of these changes, my journey, have become a way of life for me. I have found myself extremely passionate about this food movement, always wanting to learn more, watch more documentaries, read more blogs, read more books, etc. This way of life has also transferring into other areas. I am learning more and more about what is not only in our food, but other products we are faced with every day (cleaning, beauty, etc). I have started making changes in what I buy and even decided to go back to a simplistic state and am making a lot of products (chapstick, soap, lotion, laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaners, etc.) using basic ingredients.
A lot of people feel this type of lifestyle is trendy right now. I do believe these topics are discussed now more than ever in the public eye. Does that make it trendy? You decide. Sadly, those that eat organics are eating the way all people should eat and the way our grandparents, and their grandparents always ate. The food supply has gotten so tainted with chemicals, additives, preservatives, antibiotics, hormones and other junk, that now those that want to eat simply food, have to pay the price to have the USDA organics label. Also, those that grow the food have to pay large fees to get labeling and jump through hoops just to get food grown/made and sold in what should be considered the natural and only way. I am happy things are out in the public eye, because it is encouraging the world (including me) to want to know more about the issues at hand. Knowledge is everything!
So now what?
I will be the first to admit, you could go crazy if you start thinking about all of this too much. I refuse to live in a bubble, but at the same time I want to try to make the best choices for my family and I. I know I will never be able to do it all, but I do the best I can!
As I was thinking last month about what I wanted 2013 to look like on this blog, I knew this was my vehicle to share what I learn and hopefully help others. It can be overwhelming! My vow with this blog has always been to share educational information, tips in the kitchen, and hopefully great recipes and I will continue to do that in 2013.
I have spent the last year learning as much as I can. I have a long list of resources: various real food blogs (Deliciously Organic, 100 days Real Food, Robyn O’Brien Inspired Bites, Eating Rules, Food Babe) in addition to books and documentaries (more on these later).
You might have also seen my sneak peek at some of the hot topics in our food supply a few months back on my food vs. science post. So in 2013, I will be sharing what I have learned, expanding on some of these issues and introducing you to others. If one of your resolutions for 2013 is to continue to make better choices in the kitchen, I am here to help. I hope you won’t just delete, because there might not be a recipe. Let me help you learn and not feel overwhelmed, so you can share with others the same valuable info. Understand that any change you make is better than none. With this new year upon us, I hope it will present you with opportunities for change in whatever aspect of life you desire. Change is good and helps us grow as human beings to be the best we can be. Bring it on!
Why should you care about all of this? Cancer Rates. Obesity Rates. Food Allergies. Foodborne Illness. Health Care Costs. All on the increase.
I will leave you with a video that I strongly encourage you to watch. This is why I care! This is an AMAZING summary of why I feel the way I do about our food supply. It is a little long, 18 minutes, so if you don't have time today, please save it for another time.
Summary of my journey with organics and higher quality food.
It started a few years ago. I began eating some organics, mostly produce. Then found myself wanting to eat other organic foods: meat, dairy, grains, etc. I made a change in how and where I bought my food. My goal was to eat organically as often as possible. I knew I would never be 100%, because I enjoy socializing and eating out. I also never wanted my friends and family to feel bad about not cooking organic food when I was over. I was doing what I could.
Bad rap for organics in 2012?
There was hype a few months back when a Stanford Study was released and many headlines read something to the affect of "organic food is not more nutritious or healthy for you." Most people who eat organic food do not do it because they feel it is more nutritious.They are trying to avoid unwanted crap in their food. Just because something is organic, doesn’t always mean it is good for you. There are plenty of organic processed package foods. However, if you choose to eat processed packaged food, the organic varieties will still be better than conventional due to restrictions on ingredients.
Where am I now?
The more I learn, the more changes I want to make to the way I eat. I have transitioned now to what has been termed by some, a flexitarian. I eat meat, but try to not eat it every single meal. I also am focusing more on whole unprocessed foods. Some have coined this idea as RAW or REAL FOOD or CLEAN EATING. At the end of the day, it is the same principle that has always been around: eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, less saturated fat, less sugar, less processed food and so on.
All of these changes, my journey, have become a way of life for me. I have found myself extremely passionate about this food movement, always wanting to learn more, watch more documentaries, read more blogs, read more books, etc. This way of life has also transferring into other areas. I am learning more and more about what is not only in our food, but other products we are faced with every day (cleaning, beauty, etc). I have started making changes in what I buy and even decided to go back to a simplistic state and am making a lot of products (chapstick, soap, lotion, laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaners, etc.) using basic ingredients.
A lot of people feel this type of lifestyle is trendy right now. I do believe these topics are discussed now more than ever in the public eye. Does that make it trendy? You decide. Sadly, those that eat organics are eating the way all people should eat and the way our grandparents, and their grandparents always ate. The food supply has gotten so tainted with chemicals, additives, preservatives, antibiotics, hormones and other junk, that now those that want to eat simply food, have to pay the price to have the USDA organics label. Also, those that grow the food have to pay large fees to get labeling and jump through hoops just to get food grown/made and sold in what should be considered the natural and only way. I am happy things are out in the public eye, because it is encouraging the world (including me) to want to know more about the issues at hand. Knowledge is everything!
So now what?
I will be the first to admit, you could go crazy if you start thinking about all of this too much. I refuse to live in a bubble, but at the same time I want to try to make the best choices for my family and I. I know I will never be able to do it all, but I do the best I can!
As I was thinking last month about what I wanted 2013 to look like on this blog, I knew this was my vehicle to share what I learn and hopefully help others. It can be overwhelming! My vow with this blog has always been to share educational information, tips in the kitchen, and hopefully great recipes and I will continue to do that in 2013.
I have spent the last year learning as much as I can. I have a long list of resources: various real food blogs (Deliciously Organic, 100 days Real Food, Robyn O’Brien Inspired Bites, Eating Rules, Food Babe) in addition to books and documentaries (more on these later).
You might have also seen my sneak peek at some of the hot topics in our food supply a few months back on my food vs. science post. So in 2013, I will be sharing what I have learned, expanding on some of these issues and introducing you to others. If one of your resolutions for 2013 is to continue to make better choices in the kitchen, I am here to help. I hope you won’t just delete, because there might not be a recipe. Let me help you learn and not feel overwhelmed, so you can share with others the same valuable info. Understand that any change you make is better than none. With this new year upon us, I hope it will present you with opportunities for change in whatever aspect of life you desire. Change is good and helps us grow as human beings to be the best we can be. Bring it on!
Why should you care about all of this? Cancer Rates. Obesity Rates. Food Allergies. Foodborne Illness. Health Care Costs. All on the increase.
I will leave you with a video that I strongly encourage you to watch. This is why I care! This is an AMAZING summary of why I feel the way I do about our food supply. It is a little long, 18 minutes, so if you don't have time today, please save it for another time.

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