March is here! This is one of my favorite months. Spring is coming, which means warmer weather and I am a bit partial because it's also my birthday month. In 2012 on the blog, I decided to devote the month of March to “no meat entrees”. We ate Balsamic Penne with Shrimp, Veggie Sandwiches, Tuna Salad Cakes with Roasted Red Pepper Cream Sauce, Roasted Veggie Soup and Crispy Tilapia with Mango Salsa.
Why should we eat less meat? Meat consumption in this country is out of control! The United States meat consumption is one of the highest in the world. Also, 80% of the country’s antibiotics are being used on livestock, which in turn is causing resistance for humans when they need the medications to treat illnesses. If you can’t eat organic meat, this is another reason to eat less meat. Finally, there is a global movement out there called, Meatless Mondays and they share other various health and environmental reasons to eat less meat. With all that said, I decided to devote this March, once again, to meatless entrees.
This week we are making a Spinach and Walnut Pesto Orzo. A traditional pesto is made with basil, parsley and pine nuts, along with parmesan cheese, garlic, lemon, and olive oil. Well pine nuts are super expensive. Did you know they are so expensive because they actually come from pine cones and are extremely tedious and labor intensive to remove?? Well to make this entree pocket book friendly, I am subbing walnuts for the pine nuts. I also decided to use spinach to get some extra nutrients, instead of the herbs. Before we get started, lets talk orzo. I first introduced to you orzo, with my Greek Orzo Pasta Salad. Orzo, looks like a rice, but is actually a pasta. You can eat it hot or cold and I recommend eating the 100% whole wheat variety, because its a whole grain.
Lets get cooking.
Spinach and Walnut Pesto Orzo
Orzo, 16 oz / 1 pound bag (100% whole wheat recommended)
Spinach, 2 handfuls
Garlic, 2 cloves
Lemon, 1-2
Parmesan Cheese, ⅛ c
Walnuts, ½ c
Oil, ½ c
Kalamata olives, pitted ¼ c (optional)
Boil orzo according to package directions. Likely 8-10 minutes in a LARGE pot of salted water.
While pasta is cooking, make pesto. Combine spinach, garlic, juice and zest of 1-2 lemons, cheese and walnuts to a food processor. Pulse until combined and then add oil slowly, scraping sides as needed.
Once pasta is done cooking, drain, add to a bowl and add pesto, stirring to combine. Top with chopped olives if you would like some added salty goodness.
Better Bonus Tip: If you can’t add the pesto immediately to the pasta, add a bit of oil so the orzo doesn’t stick together.
Better Bonus Tip: If you are looking for some added protein when eating this as a main course, try a seafood. We like to add shrimp, which is what you might have remembered me posting on the Cooking For A Better Tomorrow Facebook Page when I originally did this recipe.

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